Strategic Vision Formulation Working Group

During the periodic meetings of the BOD, discussions re-visited many times the content of the AFEI annual work plan and its report on activities; and it became obvious that there is a need to clarify the role of the federation which is an association of employers on the Arab level as a partner in implementing regional development programs, and to show the contribution of the federation in development through continuous dialogue with governments in the Arab countries and lobbying for opinions of its members with the advantage as an NGO on the Arab level that has regional offices which are seen as houses of expertise in fields of interest to the engineering industries.

In the BOD meeting on 9/12/2011, the issues like priorities of work topics, mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between members, and the way to measure the impact of AFEI in economic and social development in the Arab countries were put on the discussion table. Members exchanged ideas about translating the nationalism feeling and into action, cooperating with the Young Industrialists Committee, and making use of IT & Internet in networking and spreading experiences, setting a policy for new members as a rejuvenating element for the federation, activating members through participation in AFEI committees and activities in order to create the sense of ownership, deepening the strategic cooperation with other associations on the business environment.

“We became lobby groups in our societies, and this is an added value from associating together under the umbrella of the federation”

Attendees agreed on the need to formulate a new common vision, mission, goals, objectives and activities; and to review the AFEI objectives that are listed in the bylaw, as well as to clarify the methodology of the work in the federation.

Resolution: A working group consisting of Eng.Ahmad Othman, Eng.Jamal Afifi, Eng.Hamid Zayani, Eng.Sherif Abdelhadi, Mr.Hassan Daaboul, Dr.Haytham Yafi and chaired by Mr.Zayani is assigned the task of formulating a proposal for the federation’s vision and the methodology of joint work according to the discussions. The proposal should be sent to the BOD within three months, and then the new vision is to be presented to the general assembly meeting mid 2012.

The resolution is realized, and the working group finalized its task and presented its report to the BOD end of March.

See also: WG meeting on 13/3/2012

Previous AFEI BOD meeting

The Arab Union of Engineering Industries

To develop the industry of the future

The Federation is an association of employers from Arab countries working in the engineering industries sector that aims to contribute to defending the interests of member companies within the framework of the general interest of society in all forums.