Arab Economic Forum

A delegation of AFEI: Eng. Abdul Hadi Abdul Moneim/Chairman, eng. Said Al-hafez/Vice-Chairman, Mr.Mohamed Daaboul/Board Member, Dr. A.Haitham Al Yafi/Secretary-General participated in the Arab economy Forum held under the patronage of HE Mr. Fouad Saniora, Prime Minister of Lebanon. The topic “ways to cope with the expected impact of the global financial crisis on the economies of the Arab countries” was the first topic of discussions in the forum.

The forum gave chance for AFEI Board members (known businessmen on the Arab level) to communicate and confer with their peers. The general secretariat sent a letter to organizers expressing appreciation of AFEI delegation for the welcome and discussions in the Forum.

Downloadable files:

Agenda (en)

Previous 1st Forum for Arab Textile Industries

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The Arab Union of Engineering Industries

To develop the industry of the future

The Federation is an association of employers from Arab countries working in the engineering industries sector that aims to contribute to defending the interests of member companies within the framework of the general interest of society in all forums.