National Apprenticeship Committee meeting

AFEI members from Syria participated -as representatives of the business sector- in the meeting of National Apprenticeship Committee that was dedicated to discuss the necessary amendments on the proposed decree to establish the “National Commission for TVET” from the perspective of employers so that it allows the commission to work on making the TVET system more flexible and responsive to developments in the LM.

Worth noting that the proposal to establish a commission followed years of cooperation between the education and business sectors which enabled partners to get introduced to experiences of other developed countries through the Apprenticeship Project (implemented by ETF) and the Modernization of VET System in Syria Program (proposed 3 scenarios for the commission). So; experience in public-private partnership was built on pilot level before setting the legal and administrative framework needed to effectively serve that partnership.

Previous Launching LM Report 2010-2011 in Syria

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The Arab Union of Engineering Industries

To develop the industry of the future

The Federation is an association of employers from Arab countries working in the engineering industries sector that aims to contribute to defending the interests of member companies within the framework of the general interest of society in all forums.