Meeting of Egyptian BOD members

In preparation for the upcoming meeting of the AFEI General Assembly, and with the objective to discuss internal issues, Egyptian members in AFEI held a meeting that was moderated by the Assistant Secretary General. The consultant from AFEI Regional Office in Damascus joined the meeting.

The agenda covered the following issues:

–    Discussion on how to implement the new vision of AFEI.

–    Discussion on means for activating AFEI members as well as attracting new members of those supporting the development initiatives.

–    A presentation of the new website of AFEI.

–    Display of the current financial situation of AFEI Regional Office in Cairo.

Following the presentation of the new website of AFEI, attendees decided to advocate for the website with AFEI members in Egypt and urge them to provide the Regional Office in Cairo with the information sheet of their companies as well as the documentation of their activities in supporting the development initiatives in order to upload them on the website.

Attendees also conferred on the exceptionally hard circumstances in Syria, and agreed on sending a letter to the AFEI Chairman to convey their readiness to support AFEI members from Syria with information, experience, and logistics that might be needed when the Syrian colleagues wish to explore possibilities of doing business in their second country Egypt.

Downloadable files:

Agenda of the meeting

Letter to the Syrian members of AFEI

Previous Meeting of the Arab Council for Economic Unity #94

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